Friday, September 25, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

I believe we are losing our ability to communicate with people effectively.
We are looking down more at our cell phones than looking up at people. 
Do you think that cell phones are the most effective way to connect and communicate with people?
I think that by looking at peoples faces one to one and speaking to them is a better method of connecting and communication.
By using your cell phone you do not get to experience that human emotion that is reflected with the person to person contact.
The eye to eye and handshake to handshake method always works for effectively in the communication and connection process.
More and more people these days are becoming more dependent on using electronic devices as their only means of communication.
This will eventually lead our society in the wrong direction, and make communications less effective.
It is very hard to communicate feelings, expressions, and emotions using text and voice on a cell phone.
On the other hand the best method I believe is the old fashioned way of direct contact or person to person.
One of the reasons I believe people use cell phones is that they might fear meeting new people, and using a cell phone instead hides them from revealing their true personality to others.
There is this fear in society these days that something bad or wrong is going to happen to them, and they avoid the person to person contact as a means to protect themselves.
Most fears are only created in the minds of people as a defense mechanism, but they do not in reality actually happen that often.
People then use their cell phones and other electronic devices as a wall to shield themselves from the person to person contact.
We need to change the way we think and the way we communicate and connect with people.
Cell phones and electronic devices do play a small part in our lives, but they should not be the major factor. 
Communication and connecting with people with the face to face, eye to eye, and hand shake to hand shake method will alway be the best.
Let's start today at looking up and seeing people's faces, instead of looking down at our hands and cell phones.  

Sunday, September 13, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

Life gives us many choices, and we can choose how we want to live.

You can choose a life to be either a sunrise or a sunset.

A sunrise is a person who is positive about the new day, and looks for the good things that is going to happen to them and to those around them.
They reflect a glowing personality by encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting other people.
Their image is so bright that they do not let negative thoughts or actions invade their minds.
They realize that they can create positive results by actions and not only words.

A sunset is a person who is negative, and looks at life from a point of view that something is always wrong and nothing good is ever going to happen. 
They are more concerned about themselves than those other people around them.
They blame others and do not take any responsibility for their actions or failure to act.
Life to them seems meaningless, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Did you know that the sun is so bright that the stars can not be seen while it is shining.
 The stars are still there but can not be seen because of the sun's bright beam of light.

The sun represents the positive things in life, and the stars that shine at night the negative things.

The sunrise person represents the sun, and the sunset person represents the stars.

You have the freedom to choose how you want to live your life.

You can have a positive and rewarding life for yourself and others around you.

The only thing that may be holding you back is how you view your world and the world around you.

Change your way of thinking, and you will be surprised with the results.

A sunrise or a sunset type of life is your choice.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

When I was growing up and going to school, I was taught that I should plan to go to college, because that was the way to be successful in life if I was going to amount to anything.
I did go to college and graduate like most people, but later in life and looking back, I wish I had made other decisions.
While college was a great experience for me, and one of the reasons for going to college was that it opened many doors for me as far as employment and working for someone else. 
I realized later in life that the information taught in college was a very small part of my success.
Most of the knowledge and wisdom I learned was from people who first never went to college, and were influential in my becoming who I am today.
While formal education can help you get a job, it takes knowledge and wisdom to make a life.
My dream and goal was to make a better life.
This is the average or norm for most people in America living from day to day working for someone else.
I wanted to be better than ordinary or average.
The people who inspired me the most and made my life the most successful were not formally educated in the traditional schools and colleges.
I learned a great principle that knowledge and wisdom can come from people who most people would normally not listen too. 
Most people think that unless you have the college degrees you are not that important. 
I can definitely state from my experience that statement is totally inaccurate. 
Some of the people I have met over the years have been more influential in my success than those who had college degrees and thought they were the experts. 
As I look back at my life, I think knowledge and wisdom come more not from colleges, but from people who have had life experiences, and they can help you become more of a success in life, than those who went to college. 
The moment you decide not to follow someone's advice or wisdom because you think it is not important, or they are not important enough, is the time you may miss that opportunity to be more successful in your life.
I have learned that everyone in your life is important, and you can learn more from them if you just take the time to listen.
I have learned a great lesson in life that knowledge and wisdom are more important than a formal education.