Wednesday, September 17, 2014


     As we go through life we all encounter challenges that we must overcome. I like to call them SPEED BUMPS.
     They are things like negative people who tell you NO you can't do that, or changes in your attitude when you begin to question or make excuses for not doing something you know should do in the first place, but for whatever reason you don't.
     There are other speed bumps that might come into your life that you may not have planned for like health issues or family related matters that need attention at the moment.
      We must realize that speed bumps will affect all of us at one time or another, but it is how we deal with them that is the most important.
     We can accept them and use them as learning experiences and move on, or we can let them destroy our life. The decision we make about speed bumps is usually one that is a personal decision only you can make.
      I think if you find a passion and a purpose for your life and focus and take action to accomplish this goal that speed bumps will only be temporary, and can be eliminated entirely.
     There is an inner voice that is in each of us when we are born, and an outer voice that develops as we age based on the people we meet and experiences in life we have.
     Unfortunately the outer voice is what most people listen to and your decisions and actions on based on it.
     The inner voice in you (if are able to connect to it) should be your guide to making the right decisions in your life.
     Some people may call this your spiritual soul or your instinct. It does not matter what you call it, the important thing to remember this is who you really are, and your inner voice you should be listening too not your outer voice.
     The moral here is that speed bumps will happen in your life, find a passion and purpose for your life, listen to your inner voice when making decisions not your outer voice, always think and stay positive,focus on what really want, and you will achieve some of life's best rewards.