Monday, October 20, 2014


Everyone has the options to think and choose a journey for their life.
A journey is only the beginning and never an end until death.
I believe that other people who have made the journey before can be an inspirations and source of knowledge to those who are younger, and who have only begun to take the first steps on their journey.
The journey started first with your parents you gave you life and nourishment and direction.
The journey continued with your teachers in school who helped you gain knowledge and move forward in life.
The journey continues each day of your life with the people you meet and the friends who motivate and inspire you to your greatest achievements in your life.
Always accept the wisdom of others who have followed the journey before you , and the knowledge they want to share with you.
The rewards of their wisdom will help you make wise choices for your journey in life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


We all experience life in different ways. This is a result of the choices we make and the decisions that follow.

Sometimes the results may not have turned out the way we thought they should have, but we must deal with them no matter if they were good or bad.

The true rewards in life are given to those who face their fears and overcome their challenges.

They are given to each of us for a reason. 

To help us learn and gain knowledge, make better decisions, and move forward.

Some people try to avoid fears and challenges in their life, because they want to be safe and secure. They do not want to put themselves in danger.

While danger might be something one might consider, most of the fears in life are not really dangers at all.

They are only in the mind of the individual.

If you are willing to accept life's fears and challenges and overcome them, you will in the end
receive some of the best rewards life has to offer you.

Life is not about accepting the negatives, but turning the negatives into positives and moving forward.

The next time you fear something or a challenge comes along you think you can not overcome,
remember it is offering you a reward in the end,
accept it, live and deal with it, and conquer it.

You will be thankful later you make the right decision.

The reward in your life might just be the best thing
that ever happened to you.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I believe any business should have certain elements for it to be successful.
Here are some that I think are the keys that will assist you.

Create a unique experience for your clients with "WOW" factor.

Create a business so simple and brilliant that your clients wish they could have thought of the idea first.

Show your clients you CARE FOR THEIR NEEDS and not yours.

Promise to deliver without any problems, and deliver what you promise.

Your business should show VALUE and QUALITY.

Your clients want the best experience and not the cheapest price.

Give your clients more incentives than other businesses offer.

Expand your knowledge so your clients feel that you are the best expert in your field of business.

Provide a service or product that your clients feel you have information that they can not find on Google or the other search engines. 

Get to know your clients on a more personal basis including their likes and dislikes, and how you are going to fulfill their needs.

Recognize that your offline and online world's should be the same not different.

Your clients want to feel you are truthful, honest, and transparent in both world's.

Make your BRAND a reflection of you.

Create a lifestyle image on social media with your business, not just of products and services.

These are just a few of the important elements that all business should have to be really successful.

Remember your primary focus should always be and remain your clients needs, and on an experience they want to come back to and share with their friends.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


I truly believe the image you project on the outside is what you are on the inside.

You may think you are hiding something, but really you are not.

Your image to others should always be open,honest,and transparent.

Do not try to hide what you truly are on the inside.

The only person you are fooling is yourself.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Casarock Travel was recently featured in the Valley Business Front magazine. The article was about WHY USE A TRAVEL AGENT.