Sunday, December 7, 2014


People seem to make decisions based on their monetary cost.
They forget that all decisions have two things to consider.
There is a big difference between cost and value, and value should be the main consideration.
Value will be more rewarding than cost in all decisions you make in life.
If your primary focus in on cost instead of value, you final decision might be the wrong choice.
People seem to ask what is the cost, instead of what is the value to me and to others.
You can not put a cost on every value in life.
For example does a kiss, a hug, or a smile have a monetary cost ?
They all have a tremendous value in your life, if you make the decision to do it.
If you would ask yourself what is the cost, you probably would not do it in the first place.
You would then be missing some of life's more wonderful moments.
Does words of praise or encouragement to others have a monetary cost?
So why are your asking the same questions about cost in every decision in your life ?
You should be asking what value will this decision be based on others and on me.
It could be the most important and life changing choice you make in determining your future.
Value will win over cost in every decision you make.
You just have to change you way of thinking and viewing the world.
Not only you but others in your world will benefit.

ronald reeker

Thursday, November 6, 2014


I discovered the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia many years ago when I moved from Illinois.
I was looking for that special place and experience that would fulfill my life and destiny.
I found it here near Roanoke and Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia.
I think the first thing that attracted me here was the beautiful and amazing natural countryside. 
If you are a true lover of nature, the Blue Ridge mountains are the perfect place to be.
The second thing that impressed me were the people who chose to live and work here.
They are some of the most friendly people and the nicest people I have ever met.
The Blue Ridge seems to have this attractive atmosphere that brings people together.
They say the slogan is "Virginia is for Lovers" , and they could not have said it any better than that.
The only other thing I could say is that the Blue Ridge mountains are next to "heaven on earth".
If you come see the mountains,the lakes, and meet the people, you will discover what I am talking about.
Nature could not have been created any better than this.
I discovered the perfect place on earth to live my life.
Once you experience the Blue Ridge mountains, there will be no turning back.
It is above and beyond anything you have ever experienced before, and will ever experience again.
Your senses will be alive again, your life will have more purpose and meaning, and your destiny fulfilled.
The Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia does have an ever lasting effect on you for life.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The world is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
It was meant to be visited and enjoyed by everyone.
Any one who has ever traveled realizes that it was put here for a purpose in our life.
The travel experience gives us a sense of meaning and understanding that nothing else does.
The sad fact is that many people do not take the time or effort to travel.
They make excuses for not traveling to see the many wonders of the world around them.
For those of us who choose to travel a new world of awakening and fulfillment comes that we thought impossible.
Travel does open our eyes, and we see not only the world, but other people differently in a new perspective.
Travel creates a new learning experience that was not taught in school.
Our senses are alive, and we are refreshed and enlightened for life again.
The true travel experience in visiting worlds unknown to us before, now are meaningful and are apart of our life's destiny.
Make a effort today to change your way of thinking about travel.
Travel opens new possibilities for your growth and development as a human being.
Travel might be that one element that changes you , and helps you enjoy your life to the fullest.
You see the world and travel does play an important part if you only make an effort to discover it.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Everyone has the options to think and choose a journey for their life.
A journey is only the beginning and never an end until death.
I believe that other people who have made the journey before can be an inspirations and source of knowledge to those who are younger, and who have only begun to take the first steps on their journey.
The journey started first with your parents you gave you life and nourishment and direction.
The journey continued with your teachers in school who helped you gain knowledge and move forward in life.
The journey continues each day of your life with the people you meet and the friends who motivate and inspire you to your greatest achievements in your life.
Always accept the wisdom of others who have followed the journey before you , and the knowledge they want to share with you.
The rewards of their wisdom will help you make wise choices for your journey in life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


We all experience life in different ways. This is a result of the choices we make and the decisions that follow.

Sometimes the results may not have turned out the way we thought they should have, but we must deal with them no matter if they were good or bad.

The true rewards in life are given to those who face their fears and overcome their challenges.

They are given to each of us for a reason. 

To help us learn and gain knowledge, make better decisions, and move forward.

Some people try to avoid fears and challenges in their life, because they want to be safe and secure. They do not want to put themselves in danger.

While danger might be something one might consider, most of the fears in life are not really dangers at all.

They are only in the mind of the individual.

If you are willing to accept life's fears and challenges and overcome them, you will in the end
receive some of the best rewards life has to offer you.

Life is not about accepting the negatives, but turning the negatives into positives and moving forward.

The next time you fear something or a challenge comes along you think you can not overcome,
remember it is offering you a reward in the end,
accept it, live and deal with it, and conquer it.

You will be thankful later you make the right decision.

The reward in your life might just be the best thing
that ever happened to you.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I believe any business should have certain elements for it to be successful.
Here are some that I think are the keys that will assist you.

Create a unique experience for your clients with "WOW" factor.

Create a business so simple and brilliant that your clients wish they could have thought of the idea first.

Show your clients you CARE FOR THEIR NEEDS and not yours.

Promise to deliver without any problems, and deliver what you promise.

Your business should show VALUE and QUALITY.

Your clients want the best experience and not the cheapest price.

Give your clients more incentives than other businesses offer.

Expand your knowledge so your clients feel that you are the best expert in your field of business.

Provide a service or product that your clients feel you have information that they can not find on Google or the other search engines. 

Get to know your clients on a more personal basis including their likes and dislikes, and how you are going to fulfill their needs.

Recognize that your offline and online world's should be the same not different.

Your clients want to feel you are truthful, honest, and transparent in both world's.

Make your BRAND a reflection of you.

Create a lifestyle image on social media with your business, not just of products and services.

These are just a few of the important elements that all business should have to be really successful.

Remember your primary focus should always be and remain your clients needs, and on an experience they want to come back to and share with their friends.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


I truly believe the image you project on the outside is what you are on the inside.

You may think you are hiding something, but really you are not.

Your image to others should always be open,honest,and transparent.

Do not try to hide what you truly are on the inside.

The only person you are fooling is yourself.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Casarock Travel was recently featured in the Valley Business Front magazine. The article was about WHY USE A TRAVEL AGENT.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


     As we go through life we all encounter challenges that we must overcome. I like to call them SPEED BUMPS.
     They are things like negative people who tell you NO you can't do that, or changes in your attitude when you begin to question or make excuses for not doing something you know should do in the first place, but for whatever reason you don't.
     There are other speed bumps that might come into your life that you may not have planned for like health issues or family related matters that need attention at the moment.
      We must realize that speed bumps will affect all of us at one time or another, but it is how we deal with them that is the most important.
     We can accept them and use them as learning experiences and move on, or we can let them destroy our life. The decision we make about speed bumps is usually one that is a personal decision only you can make.
      I think if you find a passion and a purpose for your life and focus and take action to accomplish this goal that speed bumps will only be temporary, and can be eliminated entirely.
     There is an inner voice that is in each of us when we are born, and an outer voice that develops as we age based on the people we meet and experiences in life we have.
     Unfortunately the outer voice is what most people listen to and your decisions and actions on based on it.
     The inner voice in you (if are able to connect to it) should be your guide to making the right decisions in your life.
     Some people may call this your spiritual soul or your instinct. It does not matter what you call it, the important thing to remember this is who you really are, and your inner voice you should be listening too not your outer voice.
     The moral here is that speed bumps will happen in your life, find a passion and purpose for your life, listen to your inner voice when making decisions not your outer voice, always think and stay positive,focus on what really want, and you will achieve some of life's best rewards.

Friday, August 29, 2014


When I was going to college at Southern Illinois University our final exam was to be an essay. The professor told us at the beginning of the year that this essay was going to be 50 percent of our grade, and we could write about anything we wanted, and that he would choose the title of the essay at the end of the year when we took the final exam.
Each of us knew in advance that there was no way we could study for the exam, since we did not know the subject matter that the teacher wanted for this essay until he put the title on the board.
The day of the final exam arrived, and the professor put on the board the final title of the essay.
Everyone was in shock except for one student in the entire class of over 300 students.He quickly wrote his essay in less than one minute and handed it to the professor and left the classroom.
All of the students laughed quietly under their breath knowing that this student was surely going to fall the course. Most of them worked on their essays for more than one hour and turned in their paperwork.
Next week after all the essays had been graded the students returned and to their amazement , the professor said that only one person got an A on the essay.
I am sure you know by now who got the A. It was the student who left first and spend less than a minute on the essay.
The title the professor put on the board was:
and the student answered
You see the professor wanted us to think, and not just reflect what was in the books and subject matter he taught.
This a great lesson for teachers and students.
So if anyone asks you now:
 Why you are doing what you are doing?
You have the correct answer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


There are people who think they can get all the rewards in life without paying the price.
This type of thinking may be the dream, but in reality it is totally false.
In order to achieve the best rewards, you are going to have to pay the price, and this is going to take some effort and expense on your part.
Today it seems everyone wants to do everything the "cheapest way" possible. 
This method of viewing life does not give you the value and quality you deserve.
Always search for how the experience is going to be rewarded to you based on the expense and efforts you are going to have to pay.
Cheap expense and efforts on your part usually results in cheap rewards.
Always strive for value, quality, and excellence, and you will live the life you have always wanted.
There is no excuse for not paying the price.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Many people today are asking everyone to  confirm to be like everyone else.
While is some ways this might be ideal for some of us, there are those of us who have a different vision, and we want to be a little different than anyone else.
The true leaders in business and life have chosen to follow a different path and view the world from a new perspective.
Many people may think they are crazy, and many people will criticize their intentions, but they know ultimately they
are going to be successful.
Being different is sometimes better in the long run for some of us who have decided that this is our destiny in life.
So if someone tells you they are going to do it my way, you better stand back and watch them, because
they will probably surprise you and really do it.
Maybe they know something you don't.
Maybe we should change our way of thinking, and realize that being different is better too.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

                       ROCKS AND DIAMONDS
by Ronald Reeker         

I believe that when each of us was born that we were all small pieces of coal. 
All of us were destined to become DIAMONDS.
If we just overcome all the negatives in life and endured under pressure that we
would shine and become very rare and priceless like a diamond.

The reality is that some of us choose to be ROCKS.
We accepted all those negative people’s comments as being true, and
we did not set goals for our life, we did not have a passion that directed our life,
and we failed to realize just how very unique and different each of us are.

I believe you have 2 choices in life.
You can be a ROCK or a DIAMOND.

If you choose to be a ROCK, you will eventually crumble and be broken
into small pieces and eventually turn into dust and be blown away.
You will not be able to experience your true potential
and the true rewards in your life will be gone.

If you choose to be a DIAMOND, you will gain strength under pressure, you will always realize that there is more in you than others can see.
You will never accept anything but the truth that you are a very special person
that has abilities different than anyone else.
You will continue to follow your dreams and succeed.



Monday, August 4, 2014


It is very important to always know what your customer is thinking and wanting in a product or service. Their choices are always under constant change, so if you own a business and want to be successful, be totally aware of any changes in your customer's buying habits.
Be up to date on any new trends or developments in your business and your competitors, so you can provide your customers the best product or service with the best value and quality.
Please note that having the "cheapest" product or service is not always the "best option" for your business.
Consumers are looking for value and quality first, and prices must reflect what the customers "believe" is best for them.
Many companies spend alot of money on advertising and market research and asking their customers what they want.
This is not usually the best method, and usually is outdated after the research has been completed.
Any business who wants to be successful nowadays has to be different and innovative in order to be successful.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Many companies today are using all their resources on advertising and trying to attract new customers.
They have forgot about their existing customers who are a company's most important clients.
Once you have a happy customer, you should concentrate more on them, than trying to get another customer. It costs a company more money to get a new customer than to take care of an current customers.
You would think that is basic knowledge, but many company's will fail and not grow if they forgot who got them there in the first place. This not only involves customers but employees as well.
You got to take of them both or your future is very limited.

(note: best deals are quoted for travel 10 months or longer in advance)
(short notice travel can be booked online with lowest travel at time of booking)

NAME ________________________________________________


CITY/STATE ________________________________________________

PHONE ________________________________________________

EMAIL ________________________________________________


DESTINATION OF TRAVEL_________________________________________

TO AND FROM DATES OF TRAVEL____________________________________

TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE GOING _________________________________

DEPARTING FROM CITY ______________________________________________




OTHER REQUESTED SERVICES NEEDED _______________________________

email this completed form to

Friday, August 1, 2014



Many people think they can book travel online and not use a travel agent. 
They can save you more money and more time if you use a travel agent.
Travel agents have access to promotions that are not available to the general public online to purchase.
The best reason is they have more experience and information that will benefit you in planning your travel.
You would consult a doctor or lawyer first before you made a major decision,so why not use a travel agent the same way.
The final choice is yours, but if you choose the option to do it yourself, you are making a big mistake that will cost you later.
The average amount of money you can save by using a travel agent depending of the cost of your trip is between $ 100 and $ 500.
So you see in the long run, you are receiving all the benefits of using a travel agent instead of doing it yourself.