Friday, February 5, 2016


by Ronald Reeker

Everyone has value and each of us has to find what they think that value is.
The problem is that too many of us set our standards and values too low, and never live up to our true potential. 
Either our parents or our friends have told you that you "can't do that" or tried to convince you to do something or to direct you in a direction hinders you from being the best you can be in life.
***** Anytime you settle or make compromises you will lower your value *****
Many people do not realize how very important values play a role in their life.
It is the primary determining factor if they are going to be successful or a failure. 
As you grow and develop your values in life, it is okay to accept "positive" advice" from people who try to motivate, encourage, and inspire you to be the best you can be, but never never accept "negative" comments from people who want to lower you to their levels. 
I believe everyone wants to be more than just "average" or "ordinary" and they want to achieve the very best they can. 
Their will be challenges along the way for each of us to overcome in this journey, but if we stay true to the values we have set for ourselves, we will ultimately achieve them. 
The question is "are you willing to stay true to the values you set for yourself, or are you going to settle or compromise for something less that will lower you values?

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