You may not know about the man Leo Buscaglia, but he has been a big influence on me and many others while I was growing up.
I had to opportunity to see him speak and meet when him personally and his influence, knowledge, and teaching  has changed my life.
Leo Buscaglia known as "Dr. Love" and "Dr. Hug" started classes in the 1970's at the University of Southern California, and has written over the years many books on the subject of  love as the one unifying force of life.
One thing that impressed me the most is that when he started his classes on love that he taught them free of salary and tuition just so his students could have a class on the essential things in life and to help the students to discover their own magic.
Anyone who ever walked into his classroom or heard him speak immediately felt his energy, the way he engaged his students, and his passion for the subject of love and for people.
Leo would after each class and after each speaking engagement get down among the audience and give hugs to anyone and everyone who came to see him. They were not those small hugs, but big bear, sincere and loving hugs, and you could feel how precious an experience being there with him would be.
Leo Buscaglia spoke with such a simple truth and in very simple ways that affected everyone's heart very deeply.
One of my favorite quotes from Leo Buscaglia is :
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
Leo Buscaglia is no longer with us but his influence and teaching about love, life, and people will last forever.