Thursday, June 2, 2016

by Ronald Reeker

I believe in positive thinking, setting goals, and planning and taking action to achieve what you want out of life.
I think the law of attraction, living life to the fullest, and personal development are the some of the keys. 
I have always been very open to new ideas and concepts of knowledge and gaining wisdom over the years from experience.
I recently learned there might be something missing that played a more important role in additional to all of the others I thought were important in life.
Let me start to explain this concept with an image. It is important to visualize your future in your mind first, before it develops over time in your personal life.
1. First close you eyes.
2. See yourself standing in front of a door.
On the other side of that door is everything you ever wanted in life.It could be where you want to travel, a love relationship you want to develop, a new business, or anything you desire and wish could happen.


What now do you want to do?

I would definitely say I want to charge or break down that door so I can get all that I want in life now.

The lesson I learned is that everything behind that door is trying to get you, but you preventing it from happening.

The more you push to open the door, the door is pushing you or preventing you from opening it.

So what is the solution?

I learned that things happen for a reason, and my thinking was not in line with the universe.

I needed to "let go" and let the universe take its course. I realized that all that I wanted behind the door wants to give it to me too, that "letting go" actually allows time for all of these rewards behind the door to reveal themselves to me.

So my course is to continue to be positive, set goals and plan, and be active in my pursue of my dreams in life, but at the same time realize that the universe is always in control, and it will release these rewards when it is time for me to receive them.

I wish everyone would try this simple exercise over the course of your life.

Realize that pushing too hard can be less productive than just letting things happen naturally.

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