Sunday, December 7, 2014


People seem to make decisions based on their monetary cost.
They forget that all decisions have two things to consider.
There is a big difference between cost and value, and value should be the main consideration.
Value will be more rewarding than cost in all decisions you make in life.
If your primary focus in on cost instead of value, you final decision might be the wrong choice.
People seem to ask what is the cost, instead of what is the value to me and to others.
You can not put a cost on every value in life.
For example does a kiss, a hug, or a smile have a monetary cost ?
They all have a tremendous value in your life, if you make the decision to do it.
If you would ask yourself what is the cost, you probably would not do it in the first place.
You would then be missing some of life's more wonderful moments.
Does words of praise or encouragement to others have a monetary cost?
So why are your asking the same questions about cost in every decision in your life ?
You should be asking what value will this decision be based on others and on me.
It could be the most important and life changing choice you make in determining your future.
Value will win over cost in every decision you make.
You just have to change you way of thinking and viewing the world.
Not only you but others in your world will benefit.

ronald reeker

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