by Ronald Reeker
Your Travel Coach
Being a rebel can be a positive change in your life. It can define who you are, where you are going, and how you will get there in your life.
First we must define what a rebel in.
Do you think and see yourself differently than everyone else?
Do you want more out of life and do not see yourself as normal compared to others?
Are you willing to change your way of life to achieve what others only dream about?
Here some things that need to change in order for you to become a rebel and do things a little differently in order to achieve your true potential in life. These are some suggestions that might start you on the path of being a rebel, and doing what others
do not choose to do. Who wants to be normal anyway, I am sure you want to be awesome.
1. If you have a job you do not like, you need to choose something you love to do for a living. This will probably be the best positive thing you can do in your life. You do not have to work for someone else in order to do this either.
2. Get rid immediately the things that are causing you stress and drain your energy and life. Some of these might be telling yourself “ I do not have the time or money to do this”. Some others might be eliminating those meetings, parties, or other engagements that dominate all your time. Choose only one or two that you think are important, and just say “No” to the other ones.
3. Rid yourself of family and friends that consistently are putting you down and saying negative things about you and your choices in life. While they think they may be helping you , they are actually denying you your full potential.
4. Find new friends that are positive, motivate, and inspire you to achieve. Read books and attend lectures about people who want you to succeed. Adopt a mentor or life coach to assist you in the process if necessary.
5. Communicate effectively to say what you mean in as few words as possible, and mean what you say. This simple approach will let people know where you stand and not leave them guessing.
6. Try to get of debt as soon as possible, so you can concentrate on what is important in your life. Try to live your life as simple as possible. This does not mean you should not try experiences like travel and adventure, because these are very important factors that will help you achieve becomes a rebel and living life to the fullest.
7. Do not let fear control your world. Fear of failure causes people to question, and leads people not fulfilling their destiny.
8. Do not blame others for your decisions to do or not to do. Take 100 % responsibility or your actions or failure to action. Others are not what keeps you from succeeding in life you are. You be the force that drives you, and you will be the victor in the end.
9. Be honest with yourself of what you can and can not do. There are many opportunities for everyone out there in the world, and realize that no one can do everything. Take a close look at yourself, and find your strong points and concentrate on them. As you become stronger your negative points will seem less important.
10. Get a calendar now and start to plan your life, and what you are going to do to achieve in your life. Set realistic goals with time frames for completion with the most important ones first. Then concentrate and focus on each one, and if you miss the completion date do not get discouraged, look at what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes. Learning and failure are all part of the process of success.
Now do know some of the steps in becoming a rebel in a positive way. Rebels who are a positive influence are always necessary in our society, because they show others what can be done , and act as mentors and set the example for other to follow.
Are you ready to become a REBEL WITH A POSITIVE CAUSE? The world is waiting for you to show us what you can and will do. The key words for you are THINKING, BELIEVING, CHANGING OLD HABITS, and ACTION.