Monday, August 31, 2015


by Ronald Reeker
Did you know that there is a direct relationship between the way you wake up in the morning and your success?
Many of the most successful people wake up very early in the morning. They start each day by first setting the alarm clock a few hours earlier than most average americans. They are excited and motivated to begin achieving the goals they had planned for the day, because the night before they wrote down what they were going to accomplish the next day.
They did not make excuses for not getting out of the bed, or keep hitting their snooze alarm several times in order to get that last minute of sleep they thought they needed to start the day.
They realized that in order to be successful , you had to make some changes in their life and not be like the ordinary or average person in the morning.
Their success depended more on them than on other people if it was going to happen. While other people are an important element of anyone's success , it does take that one person to set the example for others to follow. 
The successful person follows the old saying "early to bed, and early to rise" sets the stage for your success in life. 
Many of us might look at this from another point of view, but successful people look out it as one of the one characteristics than makes them who they are and what drives them to succeed.
I like the the phase the military uses "we do more before 9 am. than most people do all day."
The successful person realizes and follows the same example. They know this is one of the keys to accomplishing more in life, and waking up is the first step.
By waking up earlier, you realize that you are adding more time in your life to achieve some of your dreams and goals. You are excited and motivated about your life , and you can not wait to begin a new day with new opportunities. 
There are only so many hours in a day, and how we use them effectively determines our success. Time is one of the most important factors in anyone's life, and we are all allowed the same amount each day. Time can be taken away from us in a moment without notice. 
Successful people know that before they go to bed each night they are thankful for the things they have done that day, and they write down the new goals they want to achieve tomorrow.
They are always moving forward, and never looking back, because they can not change the past, but they know they  can change their future. 
Are you now considering following the example successful people are doing, or are you wanting to stay in your ordinary or average lifestyle like so many other americans?
You know you have a choice, and you can change your life, you can be more successful if you really want to make a change.
The meaning of success is not making more money, but it is making your life more meaningful and rewarding than it is now.
The challenge is there for anyone who wants more out of life, and by waking up in the morning earlier is one way to achieve your dreams and goals for success.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

I saw this article the other day and thought how is relates to business and to our life.
We expect things to happen overnight, but they never seem to work out that way.
If the results do not happen immediately or in a few years, we either quit or say it will not work out for me.
Apparently we have not learned the secret to success in business and life.
We need to take a lesson from the Chinese bamboo tree and how it develops and grows.
If we keep the motivation, focus, and action moving in a positive direction, eventually all things develop.
If we make excuses and quit, the ultimate result will be disaster and us not achieving all we wanted to happen.

Keep Watering Your Bamboo Tree – Eric Aronson

In the Far East, there is a tree called the Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is different from most trees in that it doesn’t grow in the usual fashion. While most trees grow steadily over a period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn’t break through the ground for the first four years. Then, in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens – the tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. In fact, in a period of just five weeks, a Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 90 feet. It’s almost as if you can actually see the tree growing before your very eyes.
Well, I’m convinced that life often works in a similar way. You can work for weeks, months and even years on your dream with no visible signs of progress and then, all of the sudden, things take off. Your business becomes profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Your marriage becomes more vibrant and passionate than you ever thought it could be. Your contribution to your church, social organization and community becomes more significant than you have ever imagined.
Yet, all of this requires one thing – faith. The growers of the Chinese bamboo tree have faith that if they keep watering and fertilizing the ground, the tree will break through. Well, you must have the same kind of faith in your bamboo tree, whether it is to run a successful business, win a Pulitzer Prize, raise well-adjusted children, or what have you. You must have faith that if you keep making the calls, honing your craft, reading to your children, reaching out to your spouse or asking for donations, that you too will see rapid growth in the future.
This is the hard part for most of us. We get so excited about the idea that’s been planted inside of us that we simply can’t wait for it to blossom. Therefore, within days or weeks of the initial planting, we become discouraged and begin to second guess ourselves.
Sometimes, in our doubt, we dig up our seed and plant it elsewhere, in hopes that it will quickly rise in more fertile ground. We see this very often in people who change jobs every year or so. We also see it in people who change churches, organizations and even spouses in the pursuit of greener pastures. More often than not, these people are greatly disappointed when their tree doesn’t grow any faster in the new location.
Other times, people will water the ground for a time but then, quickly become discouraged. They start to wonder if it’s worth all of the effort. This is particularly true when they see their neighbors having success with other trees. They start to think, “What am I doing trying to grow a bamboo tree? If I had planted a lemon tree, I’d have a few lemons by now.” These are the people who return to their old jobs and their old ways. They walk away from their dream in exchange for a “sure thing.”
Sadly, what they fail to realize is that pursuing your dream is a sure thing if you just don’t give up. So long as you keep watering and fertilizing your dream, it will come to fruition. It may take weeks. It may take months. It may even take years, but eventually, the roots will take hold and your tree will grow. And when it does, it will grow in remarkable ways.
We’ve seen this happen so many times. Henry Ford had to water his bamboo tree through five business failures before he finally succeeded with the Ford Motor Company. Richard Hooker had to water his bamboo tree for seven years and through 21 rejections by publishers until his humorous war novel, M*A*S*H became a runaway bestseller, spawning a movie and one of the longest-running television series of all-time. Another great bamboo grower was the legendary jockey Eddie Arcaro. Arcaro lost his first 250 races as a jockey before going on to win 17 Triple Crown races and 554 stakes races for total purse earnings of more than $30 million.
Well, you have a bamboo tree inside of you just waiting to break through. So keep watering and believing and you too will be flying high before you know it.

Monday, August 17, 2015


 by Ronald Reeker

Many people today go thru life doing the same ordinary things.

They get up and go to work for long hours, are stressed out, and come home to watch television or go on the internet for hours on end.
Some will devote some time with their children, but they never have enough quality time for them.

They think that this is what life is all about, and they accept the fact, and continue to do it day in and day out until they reach a point in their lives when it is time to die.

Many have not found that special "spark" or "wow" factor that is missing in their life.

Why would anyone want to live the ordinary life, when there is a "wow life" out there?

The "wow life" will not come to you by itself, you must create it in your life.

The "wow factor" will change your life from "average" to "amazing" and "wonderful".

People who make the decision to live life differently from everyone else, will create the "wow life", and the rewards for doing so will be unbelievable.

It definitely is possible for anyone who really makes a decision to plan, focus, and take action.

The "wow life" is different for everyone, so why not start today to create it for yourself and your family.

There are endless opportunities out there for each of us if we pursue them.

It only take a positive decision for each of us to move forward to that goal.

Dreaming of a "wow life" alone will not make it happen.

It is amazing what the human condition can do if we believe and achieve and take action.

So why not start to create that "wow factor" in your life today.

Let other people just be "ordinary" and live the "average" life.

You have made the decision to change your life.

You have decided to create a "WOW LIFE" now.

You will be glad you did, and you will never have to look back and say:
"I wish I had done it then, but now my time has run out."

Thursday, August 13, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

I have always wondered why so many people live ordinary lives.
There are so many opportunities in life, why would you settle for only the average instead of the amazing and above and beyond possibilities.
Many people fear the unknown, and make excuses for why they can not live a better life.
They might say "I'm too old", "I do not have the time", "I do not have the skills", or "my family is preventing me from doing this".
They might blame others for your inability to act to achieve their dreams.
As a result their life could have been better if only they had made the right choices, and not let fear control their lives.
One of the best times for figuring out who you are and what you really want out of life, comes after a reality of a big disappointment or tragedy. 
Sometimes the best moments happen unplanned, and the greatest regrets happen by not reaching your goals.
Opportunities are often disguised as problems, and usually begin one step out of our comfort zone.
Do not let these things that happen to you ruin your life, just realize it just changes your circumstances.
A little heartbreak or setback from time to time is good for all of us, because it makes us realize we can come out of it and move on.
Do not assume that you're stuck with the way things are at this moment. Life changes every moment, and so can you if you make the decision to live a better life.
The key that opens the door for you might be living outside of your comfort zone.
This is truly where the magic begins and the rewards in life come.
I challenge you to look beyond your present circumstances, the problems you are facing, and fears you may have.
Magic is waiting for you just outside of your comfort zone.
All you have to do is make a decision to enter where only few people go.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


by Ronald Reeker

Life should be very simple for everyone, but we make it harder than it should be.
We make wrong decisions sometimes, and it creates confusion and doubt.
We let negative emotions and thoughts come into our minds, and the results affect our well being.
We let others decide what is best for us, instead of us taking the time to plan our future.
I believe we need to focus on finding a passion for our life that we believe in, make a plan to achieve success, and take action to fulfill our destiny.
I like the story of Vince Lombardi who gave this speech before every game to his players.
The name of the speech was 
Football in hand, the great coach walked to the front of the room, took several seconds to look over the players in silence, held out the football in front of them, and said,
"Gentlemen, this is football."
The story goes that Lombadi stressed the fundamentals. After holding up the football as though they had never seen one before and describing its importance, he would then take the team out and show them the field. He would point out the out of bound lines, and the end zones. Then, he would remind the players that in order to win, the football is to go across the end zone line.
It is a very simple approach, but gets the point across. 
Sometimes we need to get reminded what is important, and what we need to do to succeed in life.

Just remember
Do not make it any harder than it has to be on yourself or others around you.

If you learn and do the BASICS
you will be rewarded and be successful.
This is something we need to be reminded of each day of our lives.